The Milagro is a National Geographic styled story, set in the 17th century, telling the tale of two...
Brazilian Rosewood, Sitka Spruce
Introducing the Bedell Fireside Parlor Red Cedar and Brazilian Rosewood, a true collector’s masterpiece and a testament to...
Brazilian Rosewood, Western Red Cedar
There is something magical about this Bedell Fireside Parlor with an Adirondack Spruce top and stunning Brazilian back...
Adirondack Spruce, Brazilian Rosewood
There is something magical about this Bedell Fireside Parlor with a European Spruce top and stunning Brazilian back...
Brazilian Rosewood, European Spruce
Tom Bedell designed the Revere series guitars for one reason and one reason only: to offer the world’s...
Adirondack Spruce, Brazilian Rosewood, Honduran Mahogany
Tom Bedell designed the Revere series guitars for one reason and one reason only: to offer the world’s most...
We can only speculate on the story of the one-of-a-kind Esperanza Brazilian rosewood tree. Its age, unique coloration,...
Over a half century ago several Brazilian rosewood logs were shipped from NE Brazil to a small company...
There is something magical about the Bedell Fireside Parlor Ocean Sinker Redwood-Unique Brazilian. It might be the stunning...
Brazilian Rosewood, Ocean Sinker Redwood
Striking with its prominent sapwood, European cathedrals often selected Brazilian rosewood for their magnificent entryway doors, hence, Puerta...
The Bedell Serenade Orchestra, as with the other limited edition acoustic guitars in the Brazilian Collection, is a...
The holy grail of bluegrass guitar is the classic combination of the cutting power of Adirondack spruce over...
Stiff, resonant redwood has all the vocal warmth of cedar, but allows significantly more headroom for when the...
Brazilian Rosewood, Buckskin Redwood
While Tom Bedell was securing the world’s largest collection of legally documented Brazilian rosewood, he visited a magnificent...
The Milagro (Miracle) tree grew in NE Brazil 450 years ago. It is our most extraordinary guitar back...
The Bedell Summer of Love series revives the spirit of the most coveted acoustic guitar during the summer...
Imagine holding history in your hands; making it sing. The ancient Sitka in this new Bedell Fireside Parlor...
Ancient Sitka Spruce, Brazilian Rosewood