Nicaraguan rosewood Nicaraguan rosewood (Dalbergia tucurensis)—sometimes called Yucatan rosewood or Panamanian rosewood—is gaining notoriety and popularity...
East Indian Rosewood East Indian rosewood is an amazingly neutral wood that takes its personality from the player.
Bigleaf Maple Western big leaf maple has a powerful fundamental and even harmonics, it is clear and present but without pronounced peaks…
The “Lucky Strike” Redwood Redwood is a dark, beautiful top wood that delivers bold, punchy, crisp tones, with rich, strong overtones…
Sitka Spruce Sitka spruce is strong, light, and gives an extended harmonic content and with strong volume — perfect for flatpicking…
“The Tree” Mahogany The Honduran mahogany from The Tree has provided legendary tonewood for nearly 50 years;...